Basic lithiummaterials(lithium hydroxide, lithium carbonate, etc.) isthe main raw materialtomanufacturemetal lithium,lithium isotopesandvariousoffinelithiumsalt, which can be widely used in the lithium battery industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, medicine, aircraft,new energy vehicles,electronic information, nuclear powergeneration,surface modification ofnon-metallic mines, catalytic agents,etc., with high application prospectandstrategic value.
Spodumene,lapidoliteand other kinds ofrawlithiumminescan be made of lithiumsaltby the process ofthermal roasting,crystaltransformation, cooling, acidification, leaching, filtration and separation, freezing and crystallization.
According to the thermal expansionproperties ofβ-spodumene, usingdifferentialthermalroastingtodevelop the key technology and equipment,withlow power consumptionand highcrystal transformation ratefor the preparationof high grade lithium basedmaterials.The required heat consumptionincrystal transformation ofβ-spodumenewould bereduced from 900~1200kcal/kg to 600~650 kcal/kg, the crystal transformation rate ofβ-spodumeneis greater than 98%, acidification curing rate is greater than 99%,andthe leaching rateismore than 97.5%,whichhas reached the international advanced level.
2.Crystal Transition

α-Li2O·Al2O3·4SiO2 —→ β-Li2O·Al2O3·4SiO2 —→ Li2CO3
3.Process Flow